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My new love...(no not a girl, silly) Mass Effect 2!!

**Disclaimer: This is not a review. I RARELY do written reviews of games. I will however start doing video blog reviews in the future. Also I did not do any side missions, start any relationships or anything. Just played the main missions Thank you. :)***

Let me start off by saying that if this game was a woman, it would Eva Mendes. A picture for those of you who are oblivious to who this is.

Now, usually I don't play the sequel of a game until I have played the original. I had to make an exception because of 2 things:

1. I actually tried to play it on my friends 360 back home in south florida when I was down for winter break, but I ran out of time.

2. Bioware made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I mean all the DLC plus the game AND the interactive comic for 60 bones? Come on. That's like me going after hispanic girls. It's gonna happen.

Now onto the game itself.

First off, I did not do the interactive comic. For some reason, the code that came with the game that was supposed to have all the good stuff on it wasn't working the day I bought the game. So I just said **** it. I have played a little bit of ME1 (as I said) and I read about the main story line from various websites and watched some cutscenes thanks to YouTube.

The game is beautiful. From the inside of the ship and beyond. Yes I know the game is a year old but I don't care I love the way it looks. Whenever I played the game would find myself staring at some of the vistas in the background. Mind you, I'm not saying this is the best looking game ever. Just saying that I like the look of it :) One of best parts was looking at the explosions. Best explosions I've seen.

I've never played a game with such a well-developed universe. Different races of aliens, each with their own histories and how the interact with the other aliens history. Different types of fighting techniques, weapons, abilities, armor. everything! Simply awesome. I want to live in the universe. Nao.

I love the abilities and weapons in this game and the different combinations that you could use. For example:

"Shoot them!! What? It's not hurting them much?? They have armor?? Well use the incendiary ammo and burn them alive!! What?? He's got a barrier?? Well have Miranda use Overload on his ass!! Are you serious?? Your're out of ammo?? Damn it spam Shockwave then!! You say he has a barrier, a shield AND armor??? BREAK OUT THE PARTICLE BEAM!!!!!!"

I believe i've gotten the point across :P

I very much enjoyed the story and dialogue. Especially with the mission having to do with the reapers and collectors. I kept yelling at my TV "Moar, MOAR!" But it wouldn't listen.

Now I will be play the game again (starting tonight :D). Doing all of the other stuffs I didn't do. Side mission, relationships, the interactive comic, you name it, i'll do it. From what I understand Female Sheppard has a better voice actor than Male Sheppard, so I will be playing as female Sheppard the second time through.

To all my friends who ONLY have a PS3 (like me) and are on the fence about this game, please. Get this game soon. If you have a PC and/or 360. You should already have this game. No excuses :x