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So I decided to replay my favorite franchise (Again)

Kingdom Hearts.

This has to be like 7th time I've replayed these games. But I just love them so much. Kingdom Hearts 1 first, then Chain of Memories (the PS2 version) then Kingdom Hearts 2. The handhelds I will not play. Because they did not capture my hearts as the first 3 did.

While we're on the subject, if you are a fan of Kingdom Hearts, please tell me your favorite moment from the first 3 games. :)

Mine had to be when Sora defeats Riku IV and he stabs himself with the Keyblade to release Kairi's heart. So awesome and sad at the same time. :cry:

I guess this is a spoiler for people who haven't played it. Well it's your own fault for not playing it yet!

Well that's it for me.
