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So I discovered something on my trip to Georgia...

I discoverved that heavy turbulence in an airplane is probably one of the most scariest things in the world to go through. The feeling of the plane dropping 100ft is NOTHING to laugh about. I'm pretty sure me and the baby in front of me s*** our pants at the same time.

But I also discovered that I have a knack for writing. Even though I hate doing it unless I have some kind of divine intervention. (Usually happens on the toilet). So since this talent has arisen, I've decided to start writing reviews for games I get. I wanted to do video reviews but I look like a bum half of the time and I dislike the sound of my voice. I truly sound like the nerds you see on TV. And possibly in the movies. You probably think I'm exaggerating. You're absolutely right. But it's justified. If that makes any sense.

So look out for my written reviews. I will start with LA Noire when I finish the game.

*in best surfer voice ever* Later, dudes.