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The Procrastinator Chronicles: Summer Edition

So lately, I've been procrastinating. A lot. And it's, as you've might have guessed, because of summer. Whenever it's summer, wherever I am, I just get a ridiculous dose of laziness injected into me. :P Also June 7th is hell day.

Things that I have yet to do that I said I would do:

-Writing my LA Noire review

-Start eating breakfast

-Start my workout routine

-Sign up for fall classes

-Sign up for summer classes :P

-Make an app for android

-Figure out why Breaking Bad is so popular

The LA Noire review is about half way done and it's not like I don't know what to write. I just don't feel like writing it :P

Now, I will tell you the reasons why June 7th is hell day with 4 points.

1. E3 starts this day. No explanation needed.

2. Infamous 2 comes out this day. No explanation needed.

3. The Heat playoff game is on this day. No explanation needed.

4. This is the day my cousin decides to move out of his apartment and my parents are making me help. No. Explantation. Needed.

I promise I will try to work on my laziness. Until next time, my friends! :)