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Two shows I've recently discovered.

So recently I've been watching two shows that I have pretty much fallen in love with.

The Walking Dead

Now from what I understand, this series was originally a comic book series. And from what I've watched, I honestly want to read the comics now. And I don't even read comics!

This show has the ability to keep me guessing until the end of the episode (so far) and its just amazing. Waiting a week until the next episode could be used as a form of torture.

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

This show is ******* hilarious. It reminds me of The Office but a rated R version of it. I know I'm about 6 seasons late to the party but I'm quickly catching up. I'm already on the episode where Dee has a heart attack. A bunch of jerks who do crazy things. And I have to say that I used to hate Danny Devito. But after watching the a few episodes, this guy is alright in my book.

I highly recommend both of these shows :)