People have a tendency to overuse words that they don't know the meaning. Prime examples of this are gay "epic", and of course "repetitive.
Every game, i repeat, EVERY game is repetitive to some degree. Whether it'd be a FPS, MMO, or platformer. When people use this word as a complaint, I just shake my head and try to tell them that it's not a legitamate complaint. Unless your talking about the degree of repetitiveness. Not too far back, people were complaing about LA Noire being to repetitive. I was baffled by this because every case had it's own unique stamp. Homocide did appear more repetitive than the rest of the game but there was reason for it.
[spoiler] There was a serial killer [/spoiler]
The people complaining about it then told me you had to do the same thing every case. "Find clues, question people, find out if they're lying. Rinse and repeat." I was even more taken aback. In a shooter, do you get bored of shooting people? Because you do that every level. You see what I'm saying? It's a stupid complaint.
Now if you were to say a game, Infamous 1 for example, was too repetitive for you, then I could maybe understand. The side missions were not varied much in the game. But you guys must understand. We NEED repetitiveness in games. They wouldn't make sense other wise.
Let's say you're playing the classic Mario game. You're playing and you get to the next level. All of a sudden the game changes to an MMO. Then the next level, it changes to an FPS. You see? It would be confusing. Although, it may sound like an awesome idea now. There's no stucture. A house always needs a frame. Same thing for a game,
If I see you using repetitive as a complaint, I will quote you, put this emoticon :evil:, and will forever ignore your opinions.
Until next time, my friends.
Oh and I finally got a twitter account.
@evaneleven77 follow me if you wish.