Single player wise, of course.
Oh, and obvious SPOILERS are SPOILERS.
First let me say, I thoroughly enjoyed U3's campaign. There was action, there were stealth moments, I laughed, I cried. The whole shebang. I really, really did like it and it gets a solid 9 in my book. That saidI think U2 did everything I said but better.
I'm going to make a few bullet points on where I think U2 exceeded U3.
- Development/background of the antagonist(s)
- Something supernatural about the story
- Holy s*** moments
- More Elena
Development/background of the antagonist(s)
In U3, we get introduced to the antagonist very early in the game. Katherine Marlowe. For me I thought that would mean we would see a lot of her in the story therefore we would learn a lot about her. Sadly, I was wrong. We barely see her throughout the game and we learned almost nothing about her except her and Sully used to be together and thatshe's ridiculously old. (Given by how old she looked 20 years prior to the game's time :P). Her sidekick, Talbot, was okay. He was a bit like Flynn except less personality. I'll explain why I liked Flynn better in a minute.
In U2, we don't get to see who the real antagonist is until Chapter 4 in the game yet we know so much more about Lazarevic than we know about Katherine. People might say "But he's the typical bad russian dude. It's not original" Just because something is not original doesn't mean it can't be good. I liked Lazarevic. I mean in the first f*****g scene we see him in, he kills a guy. Come on, you can't say you don't like him too. Now moving on to to his sidekick, Flynn. I liked Flynn more that Talbot mainly because he had more personality than Talbot. He was all around more entertaining. Was it because he betrayed Drake in the game? Maybe. I just think he was a better character.
Something supernatural about the story
In U1 and U2, towards the end of the story the "lost city" that Drake was trying to find always had a reason that it became lost. U3 was no exception. But it did go about it differently. In U1, there was the curse that basically turns everyone into raving zombies-like beings. In U2, the tree sap made you ridiculously strong and able to take a ridiculous amount of bullets to the body. In U3, it was something in the water that made people hallucinate. You see the difference?
For me, U3 was missing that supernatural feel to it towards the end. I was actually looking forward to it. Instead they go with a hallucingen. And they don't even explain why Marlowe wanted it! At least i don't think. I'm playing through it again maybe I'll pick up on it.
Holy s*** moments
Don't get me wrong, U3 had some holy **** moments. Falling about the plane that was going down, the chasing the the convoy through the deserts on horses, and of course the entire level in the lost city. I just thought they were lack luster compared to U2. Let me list them
- The train yard where you get surrounded by enemies and Elena saves you
- The entire train sequence
- The tank rolling through Tibetian village
- The jeep convoy
- And of course the ending
And these are the ones I could remember. I'm might have forgotten one or two. These moments just had a greater impact on me.
More Elena
This one is more biased than the others but I don't care :D I really wanted more Elena in U3. In her short time there , I really enjoyed her. Although she looked rather Asian for some reason :lol: I wished she was there throughout the end.
To COMPLETELY summarize, if someone were to ask me what the best Uncharted game was, I would say unwaveringly Uncharted 2.