So for the past few weeks I've been pondering about Pokemon. Lots and lots of Pokemon. Mostly about a 3D pokemon game. (As in a 3D world pokemon game. Not the 3D that Sony been selling lately) And I've come up with a few ideas that will make...Ze Perfect Pokemon Game!
Battle System
There will be no more turn-based system. No more I say! It will be an action based system of sorts. Rather than wait a whole turn to do somthing, you will be able to perform an action whenever you want. But there's a catch. You will able to perform an action only once every a certain amount of seconds. After you use any attack, you will have to wait 8 seconds to perform the next action. If you use an item or throw a pokeball, you will only have to wait 5 seconds. And if you choose to run, you won't have to wait any amount of time.
This will make battle MUCH more fast-paced. Some attacks will take longer than the average attack to perform. Some will be quicker than the average attack. For example, Solar Beam will take longer than most attacks while Quick Attack will be faster. However, the individual pokemon's speed stat might change this. I will talk about stats a little later. But no matter what the attack is, the pokemon will still have to wait 8 seconds. I chose 8 seconds because I felt 10 seconds was bit too long. :P
A new feature in the battle system I thought would be good would be a Dodge command. Pokemon are alive! They won't sit and take these attacks anymore!
The Dodge command is pretty much self explanatory. After selecting it, your pokemon will dodge the next attack in it's own unique fashion. If the pokemon is just too large or is not the type of pokemon to dodge an attack, a Block command will replace the Dodge command. You are only allowed to use the Dodge/Block command a certain number of times before a timer will appear and you will not be allowed to dodge for that amount of time. As of right now I'm going to say the that time is 15 seconds but it is subject to change. As your pokemon's level goes up, the number of times you are able to to dodge will also go up.
Moving on to attack specifics:
-Attacks that would last a certain number of turns will now last a certain time.
-Moves like Protect will last a certain time and the user will not be able to attack during that time.
-Super effective attacks will have significant knockback effects. The pokemon hit won't be able to attack for about 1 second after being hit.
-One hit KO attacks will still be almost impossible to land.
-A pokemon will sleep anywhere from 5-20 seconds.
-Burned/Poisoned/Cursed pokemon will suffer the effects every 8 seconds.
-Two-turned attacks will take 8 seconds to fully perform.
-Moves that cause stat loss will also take real world effects. For example, Flash lowers the pokemon's accuracy but it will also blind the pokemon for a few seconds. As a result, the pokemon will not be able to dodge or attack.
One final thing. Since this pokemon right now is most likely not possible on handhelds, it will have to be on consoles. And because that I have an idea for choosing moves during battles. You still will only be able to choose from 4 moves during battles. However, you will no longer have to sacrifice previous moves you learned for new moves. You will keep all of the moves the pokemon learns and will be able to switch them out for the specific moves you want. In-between battles and during battles. Each move will be mapped to a certain button. Which ever move you want to switch, you would simply hold down that button, a menu will pop up and you would choose the move you want. This part can be kinda tricky as this may take a little while.
Please give me your feedback. I appreciate you reading this. Tune in next week for my idea on the story! :)