We've all heard and seen the cliché's at this point; the chunky, agoraphobic 20 something's with skin as pale and transparently thin as tracing paper who maintain a carefully choreographed dance of not mixing up the bottles of beverage/soup with the ones with urine. people who purposefully stay up till the wee hours of the morning, fraggin Dutch gamers and discussing the finer points of micro transactions on a $ system vs. the M$. Then they tuck on in for a nice 10 hour nap, and begin their sad live anew as afternoon breaks.
And for those of us who know reality, that is not insomnia. You do not choose it, it choose YOU Pikachu! There is no blissful 9 hour intervention. Your groggy ass just has to ship off to work on what few moments of daylight dozing you can eek out, leaving you with an extra 8 hours that can be filled only with booze and or infomercials. That and mild hallucination.
Until now, in the shiny era of the computer and inter and-ra webs, insomniacs can do more than watch late night music videos, Cops re-runs, and just how horrible "ordinary" kitchen gadgets make our daily lives. Now you can be productive. And how! How? You can make lists like this one!
Blog: From Blammo.
Yeah, yeah, everyone blogs these days. But who really takes the time out of their day to day lives to really go full on Faulkner crazy stream o consciousness blogging at 2 am these days, besides me? Well, when your day has an extra 8 hour block devoted to teasing Tantalus, you can too! Just fire up yer word processor or blogger software and turn off your inner censor.
You will learn things about yourself or your world that you had never really picked up on, like how odd it is that two Army recruiters pulled over to the side of the road to ask me about the Army, simply because I seemed to carry around a duffle bag full of laundry with no trouble. desperate!
Anywho, but personal vanity aside, the blog o sphere (god am I glad CNN stopped using that phrase and related segment!!) would cease if no on actually read anything anyone wrote. Ahem So with the other 7 hours you have left tonight, go through your friends list, and read what's going on in their lives. You can find out amazing things, like how my nephew is going to be mysteriously born a month and a half earlier than expected. Track down a coworker 's blog, or your immediate supervisor. No one really considers the fact that John the Mouth Breather in cubicle D might read your inner thoughts and water cooler gossip. Be a busy body and make people nervous.
Don't forget that celebrities have blogs as well. Stalk away oh sleepless readers.
Wikipedia, the best smelling -pedia in the web!
If I only am able to accomplish one thing, besides limiting your purchase of products that sell for the low low price of three easy payments of $29.95, it is to convince you to better your self with your sporadic free time. Since we are at this juncture to unstable for community college, why not read up on a few things then?
en.wikipedia.org. Just saying it out loud makes my eyelids twitch a little slower. If you need to kill the time before the Early Bird Special, AND want to be the Go To know-it-all of the office , then the wiki is the place for you. Pick a topic, any topic. search for it. now here's the trick. While reading down the page, you'll happen upon little words in a pretty blue color, cerulean blue, perhaps. These obviously are links. Each word is a link to an article on THAT topic! Now if you are using Firefox or any browser that allows for tabbed browsing you are in for a treat. Open that link in a new tab. And the next in another. I suggest mapping the middle mouse button to open new tabs. But leave them alone for now. Finish your encyclopedia article first, like a good boy. There now. Now close the tab, or bookmark it. Now move on to the next, opening up new entries as you go. Soon you'll have gone through reams of entries on everything from capybara to tappas.
But dangit to hell, they got something wrong, didn't they? Well, you can show them, you can show them ALL! Simply register, gather up your peer reviewed sources, and edit away. Just remember that being an anonymous wiki vandalizing douche is a bad as cheating at online games.
Well folks that brings me to the end of today's installment of Things To do When You Could be Sleeping But Can't and Have a Computer. Tune in for part 8 through some smaller number! Expect a full break down on anally retaining your itunes Collection!
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