@Oogazi <------get this man a drink!!!! You are 100% on point with your comment. FF7 was great and revolutionary......FOR IT'S TIME! The rpg genre has evolved so much that turn based is becoming harder to find and wouldn't hold up with many players as it once did. They wanted a remake and now some are upset that they are going in a whole new direction with the presentation......That's what a true remake is an overhaul. The nostalgia crowd better just dust off the PS1 and re-live the game that way, because this version is looking like it won't be that remastered trip down memory lane that they were hoping for. One more thing FF7 for the time it came out I remember (damn I'm getting old) it to this day was easily one of the best marketing campaigns for an rpg that I ever saw. What was marketed? The cut scenes. In my opinion FF7 was for many their first FF and RPG experience ever during that time hence why it has fans who in many cases worship this game like it was the end all be all. Honestly I prefer 8 over 7 but 7 is still great and it definitely was revolutionary for it's time.
@wolfpac_101 I'm on X1 will probably add a PS4 to my collection sometime next year and there were a lot of games I was looking to catch up with "The Order" was one of them....... Is "The Order" really that bad? I was really looking forward to giving it a go but damn it's gotten slammed pretty bad.....
While being an adult sucks..... It's times like this I'm glad I haven't started a family yet I'm still a little selfish damnit!!!!! But damn I still have to play my games in accordance to what's going on at my job so......I'll be starting this......then I'll jump to Halo 5 once that's complete I'll mainly just play a few sports titles for a little while leading to Christmas...... Take a vacation at the beginning of the year and binge one MGS 5 try to go for 100% then I'll jump on the Blood and Wine expansion (just in time for the Game of Thrones new season)....... Since summer time is slow time for my job then I'll mess with Fallout 4..... Unless I meet a bad ass woman......then damn........unless she's a gamer.
AC 5 will take place in early 20th century Antarctica you will follow the story of a penguin who discovers the history of his ancestors secret while at a zoo when abstergo runs out of people to put into the animus they'll find new subjects in a penguins....... Awwwww yeah hidden beak blade bitches!!!!!!!!!!
@MrWhalo @torbonator Yep Auron's did require that monster capture quest, and Lulu's weapon ohhhhhhhh man fully leveled! Auron, Tidus, Lulu with full celestial weapons feels like cheating but it's so badass!!!! did either of you all finish the monster arena?
@MrWhalo I didn't even bother with Kimarhi.......wait yes I did I just didn't use him that much my main crew with Tidus was Auron and Lulu and sometimes Yuna when healing was needed. Ahhhhhh time to re-live being 20 again.
mrplayalistic's comments