I don't quite understand. RE4 had just as much exploration and puzzle solving as past games. And about it being "cheesy".... are you serious? The RE franchise is known throughout the gaming community to have some of the worst voice acting and dialogue ever seen in games today. And its as linear as its ever been. The only thing that has really changed about the series is the gameplay, and by changing it like they did they gave it a different feel. Whether you want to say it's not enough "survival" or "horror" anymore there's one thing that I think most will agree on: the gameplay needed a change and they delivered a masterpiece of a game. RE couldn't have survived if they didn't do something. We can argue they should've done this or that but in the end I think they kept it true enough to its roots and now the series is going stronger then ever before.I agree, it has lost it's magic.
Though it was really fun...
They lost the exploration, puzzle solving, and the whole "survival horror".
It became very linear, too much ammo, the story was decent but now was complete crap with the cheesiest characters and diologue ever. "Where did everybody go... bingo?" "Your right hand comes off?"
Now it's a shoot everything and run game.
Fun... but a bit mindless.
5 looks like a huge copy and paste job.
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