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mrswinchester24 Blog

Breaking Dawn!

Breaking Dawn is comming out in 11 days!! i can't wait!!! I want to go to a midnight opening sooo BADD!!!!

Has anyone else read any of the twilight saga?? if so come over i love to talk about it!!!

I want Bella + Edward to be 2ghter 4ever!!!!!


URRGGG one of my fav sites it being shut down!!!! the Kryptonsite is being shut down!! AHHHHHHHH if anyone know where i can get some smallville info GIVE ME THE SITE!!!! WHere should i go 4 sm sps?


JARED is engaed to Sandra M.!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( lol i just hope he is happy :)

and if anyone knows what word u have to spell out with doublthockysticks let me know!!

Level 9!!!!

it's about time i was level 9 and it's about time i did a new blog to!!! But i had to do a new one after the SN eppyMalleus Maleficarum which i thought was pretty good but know how is Dean going to get out of this deal? Any ideas are welcome, I know that if they kill Dean the show is over, so if you guys want to talk about what you thought of the Eppy or how Dean might get out of his Deal please post.

Mrs W.

guess what I got..........

after figureing out that i could not go to the convention my parents felt bad so they know some one who knew some one and Know I"VE HAVE A SCRIPTOf IN MY TIME OF DYING (FROM THE SET)!!!! SIGNED BY JARED AND JENSEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG I'm soooooo happy now!!!!

Everything went from crap to greatness!!!! i'm SOOOO HAAAAPPPPPYYYYY I also got to promtional posters!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Hey guys long time no see!!!!!!!!!!

Hello People!

I'm back!!

what's been going on W/ u guys? i've missed u...

just got back home from my fair were i meet Rodney Atkins!!!

It was soooooo cooolllll i got a pic next to him!!!! but it wasn't on my carmra so i cant show u :cry:

I also got to see disturbia!!!loved it!

SO guys stop in and say waht ever!!!! i'd love 2 hear from u!

The Bourne Ultimatum Rox my soxs!

i just saw the thrid Bourne movie and it was great!!

it had no stop acction and one of the best car chases ever! Bourne went home and u figure out alot about his past in this movie and Matt Damon did a wonderfull job.

I loved it but what u guys think?