Terrible ideas . Warcraft is not just about the mmo series. The mmos have no plot. No consistent storyline, no closure or plot. They should make a movie or movies on the RTS series. They have consistent and interesting story and plot. Interesting characters and closure. The mmos keep adding stuff from the past to reflect what they want to add in the game. Makes no sense at all story wise
They just want to release a half ass version first to make more money off us. I was going to get this for the console, as I own all 3 on PC anyway, but after hearing no DLC, forget it
I grew up with Zelda 1 and 2, but sadly my parents were too tight to buy me a Snes so i have not played Link to the past yet. But I will eventually when I got time
lol bro I did research, Thats how I found this info out. I actually assumed it did come with one, but then found out it didnt, then found out again that US/Aus version comes with a charger
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