@devonian: Van Nerd is seemingly going against the grain (what most peeps like or is popular with every1 not just popular in general as if hes too cool for this lowly game) hes a game snob.
Its Kevin Van Nerd that gave it a poor review. The game is awesome! Scarry, challenging & ton of stuff to collect. If you take the time to go through VanNerds reviews its easy to see hes a typical elitist the type that shouts first amendment rights as long as hes louder than the other person. He doesnt “like” anything popular; it’s beneath him. If you buy the game and give it an honest try, especially if you’re sn Alien fan, you’ll love playing.
All 3 look great. As long as you're only playing one version you'll never know the diff. No duh! I know, but what you dont know makes you enjoy your version just fine. ?
@milesprower06: i agree 100%. Louie CK is one crass MF but I enjoy the hell out of his style. Louie jokes about stuff that i would be beaten for saying. Louie knows how to deliver the material. The main difference here is: if pie WAS joking he did it badly. Anything can be joked about but some subjects need to be set up properly. If he wasnt joking then it bit him in the ass. That doesnt mean someone cant say whatever but knowing how using all senses is key.
@ilikechicken89: I didnt check link but free soeach IS everything. The beginning of freedom and loss of it is the beginning of the end. Its easily the most important right. My following statement applies to everyone/anyone not just for Mr Pie. Say M Jordan gets on camera and says, "I hate America". If Haynes and Nike pulls their endorsements, fine but thats well within his rights. I don't think Mr Pie's being charged with a crime but I have to defend the rights of a person or company when they dont like what you do or say and decide to pull their endorsement.
I cant watch his videos. Hes way to "crazy" for me. I dont know what happened, i havent seen the video in question however two things must be considered before anyone gets started trying to find the FACTS. One thing is PC is so fucking out-of-control is ridiculous. People are getting offended for something that has nothing to do with them or their group and the people that maybe/should be offended sometimes couldn't care less. Many are so fucking sensitive to any type of possible slight, real or imagined, its gotta stop. Its hurting our party (in the US). The other thing, online news IS click bait mad. Its a real chore to find good, honest, unbiased news without being bombarded with pure crap. Pies argument is an obvious one since the media, like anygroup, isnt happy with losing power to the new web celebrities. Although, Mr Pie may be exactly what has been stated. My post shouldnt need to be written but damn, most people are dumb as shit and only fill themselves with personal-truths. Then they'll read anything that confirms this feeling; ultimately "making it true". Now im going forward with these things in mind...and im willing to bet both sides (pie's probably a bit racist and the journal has taken some liberties) are culpable to some degree. How much is the real Q.
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