@deviltaz35: they said for ages that you would have to download a patch to make the games work. the patch basically makes the xbox(whichever one you own) think it is a 360. its cool, but also a drawback, but it is also an incentive to keep your games, and get rid of your old system.
i swear there have been tons of assassins creed games that are games with gold. heck, i now have the entire chronicles series, and china was the first ACC title i bought! either way, i do not turn down free.
ive said it for months since this was announced: what they will do is make all the dc films and tv shows permanent, like the lineup is exclusive the entire DC visual library is permanent. the movies on netflix will continue to be what they are, a rotating bunch of films, and justice league probably wont be on netflix for years. they will also retain their deal to put the CWDCverse on netflix, but since WB has its own streaming service now with DCU, i can see them making shows day and date which probably means WB wants this out of the gate before the shows return from their summer break. i can see them livestreaming panels from big comic conventions, interviews here and there, and the store with discounts for DC universe fans.
@dipdish He ain't lying. I own every GTA game except Chinatown Wars and still remember getting the first one. My mom coming home from EB Games talked to me and was like "I know you will play this game and will not think just because its in the game, you will do this in real life" i was like "MOM! the name of the game is law enforcement stuff! do you REALLY think i will get in a car and kill people?!?!" it sucks people use this as a scapegoat for everything. Shootings? GTA. Robbery? GTA. daughter getting knocked up? GTA.
It really is the Obama for society. Everything is blamed on Obama or GTA.
@Chai_Tea have you played GTA San Andreas? GTA IV? both of those games I had an emotional investment in because in the end, you realize the things you did to get what needed to be done done. In the end, sandbox means you can do what you want, but the violence is part of the game. you have to do the missions, and sometimes KILL, but otherwise, this is just what they are saying: A GAME! you pop the disc in (or in the case of ps3 owners and xbox 360 gamers next month DOWNLOAD) or fire up the menu on your console, press play, play it, and in the end, go do stuff in reality. people who judge games are just that, scapegoating the real issue. have you not read american psycho? fight club? 50 shades of grey? everything is violent, but society only focuses on crap that they do not understand to remedy their own problem.
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