I have one final left tomorrow. It's making my brain explode. For the record, I know nothing about Sociology. I'm trying to study for this test and when I typed something into google, the first website was Wowhead for a quest in WoW. I CANNOT ESCAPE IT.
But I have to, because we have no internet and it's 44$ a month to get it. WTF. They have dial up as well but who uses that anymore!? I give up. I'm going to have to live without internet for a while. Or I could beg for money. Or get several jobs. Speaking of jobs I have an interview on Thursday. Hopefully I get that because no one else has called me back and by god I DO NOT want to be a waitress again.
I have most of my stuff unpacked in my apartment, there's some things that I just don't know where to put (or that I would put somewhere but there's no ROOM) but the living room looks alright. I have a sofa that I got for free and it kinda smells like dogs, but it was free, so no complaining. It's kind of comfy and I can only smell the dog when I lay on it, which I do sometimes to play video games...but it's nice. I have bookcases filled with my games so everyone can see them :3 I didn't even bring all my games yet because I figured I wouldn't have enough, and I didn't. Seriously that place is a shoebox. I had to actually send my mom home with some of my stuff because there's NO PLACE TO PUT ANY THING.
Talking in caps is fun.
You know what's even more fun? KITTENS! I'll be getting one next month hopefully. We'll have to pay a little more for the rent but to have a kitty? Worth it. Probably going to get a black kitten since no one adopts those babies :( I'll do my best to not come home with all the kittens (but the price will probably stop me: 75$ for a spayed/neutered kitten with all their shots.) I know that little kitten claws are destructive but I won't declaw my cat. How would she defend herself if she got outside? Poor thing. Now I'm sad.
The best part about having my own apartment? A giant fridge with a full size freezer. Tonight I'm probably going to buy 8 gallons of ice cream. I'm an ice cream fiend. It just goes away so fast. My favorite past time in the last few days has become sitting on my crappy couch with ice cream and eating it while playing video games. I'm probably going to get significantly fatter, but I think I've come to terms with that.
So the only real problem I have with my apartment is the lack of internet (and the neighbors have their wireless protected....sneaky). I don't even care for internet to be on it all the time, I just want to download more games. Roar. And yay for Sony for giving me a free month of PSN+, but do I get to decide to use it? :| seems like a stupid question, but really.
But other than the internet being ridiculously expensive my apartment is nice. I have a fridge and that's the coolest part. And a couch. And today, I'm going to get a real bed (been sleeping on an air mattress. yuck.) Yay for real adulthood and being responsible for everything.
I wrote this blog because I didn't want to study for my final.