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Because I felt like it.

Tag I'm it! :o

1. I have a super temper problem. I call it aggressively defensive. Little things make me angry and stupid people make me angry too. Like if there is someone acting like a deusch and they give me a reason to flip out, I'll do it. Don't try to stop me!! O_O

2. I can belch better than men. No, don't tempt me. Where ever you are, you'll hear me.

3. Despite that fact though, and despite the fact I play more video games than a lot boys I know, I'm actually kinda super girly. I mean I don't love make-up and glitter but I love to shower and smell pretty and paint my nails and whatever. And I'm really good at getting excited over cute things. *looks at Mieu avatar* OMFG so cute!

4. I didn't actually own a console until I was almost 12. My parents were anti-video games, my mother because she thought they rotted your brain (durrrr) and my dad because they cost money and wouldn't benefit him. So I saved up and bought my ps1. Just think of how much smarter I would be today if I hadn't done that.

5. I get really emotional over stupid stuff. Not real life stuff, because real life doesn't make me cry that often. But a while back I was looking at screen shots of a video game (I'm not saying which one >_>) and I was like "OMFG so awesome!! *eyeballs leaking* WTF?" Yea. I can't explain it.

6. I have super bad ADHD. IF I had a 9-5 job when I finally grow the hell up it WILL KILL ME!!! I seriously can't sit still for more than 5 minutes unless I'm playing video games or writing, then I just hyperfocus and forget to do things like eat or go to the bathroom.

7. Family Guy is my crack and I'm in love with Seth MacFarlane.

8. I'm a bad person. I laugh at bad things and I'm not fond of babies or puppies. I have a terribly sarcastic sense of humor (which is soooo easy to convey over the internet while not stepping on anyone's toes) and my sister doesn't introduce me to her friends anymore.

No, really.

9. I'm an Atheist. Not the bad kind, the neutral kind. Actually since I've made the switch from Christian to Atheist I feel that I have a better understanding of religion in general and lots of other neutral stances. It's hard to explain without pissing anyone off...

10. My personality contradicts itself all the time in extreme ways. One minute I can be a big stupid dork and the next I can have profound conversations with people who used to think they were smarter than me. For the most part though I'm a big emotional mess who enjoys chocolate, ice cream, and kittens. OMFG I LOVE KITTENS D:

I'm happy now :P