Contrary to popular belief, spending 5 minutes to hit a pillar halfway across a room only to find out that the switch is on THE OTHER SIDE is not really all that exciting. It is neither a puzzle or fun, it is hard labor and I have to do enough of that in my real life. You are lazy and need to take hints from other video games companies that know how to make solving puzzles fun. Love, me.
Hard truth is hard. Kingdom Hearts on the DS made me angry this morning.
I broke my laptop while playing WoW.....yea.....I need a new one.
So for now I'm using my crappy desktop. I need money to get a new computer but luckily I can retrieve all my stuff off my laptop, so right now I'm not super worried about getting a new one.
It's freezing in northern Minnesota right now. There's like a blizzard going on outside. I imagine I'm going to have to sweep the deck several times before the day is done. Oh well, I'm going Uncharted 2 in between sweepings ^-^ Hooray for video games!
OMG I want Assassin's Creed 2, hard. But I have little monies right now, it will have to wait ._. since I don't have a job right now I have no money :cry:
Send me monies O_O