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Holy Grades, Batman!

I think my university is doing this for kicks and giggles. But somehow, I managed to get all B's this semester.

Why is that a big deal?

Well, for one thing, I pretty much BS'd the entire semester. I slept through half of my History of Rock and Roll class, I skipped the majority of Ethics, I skipped the majority of my Social Movements and Change, I churned out pages of crap for Writing Fiction I (Couldn't skip that one, unfortunately) and while I did skip only half of my Astronomy class, I played video games the other half.


I'm blown away by how this could happen. Maybe somewhere in the recesses of my brain, there are still brain cells left. I don't know.

B's are so much better than what I was expecting. Although I did expect an A in my writing class. My professor said that if we turned in 35 pages of work, we were guaranteed an A. I turned in 38. Where's my A!?

At this point, I am so freaking thankful to not have failed. I got a 3.0 for this semester, and my overall GPA has gone up (yea, it was a rough first year). The really good news is, I have one freaking general left to take. No more math, no more science, no more sociology or psychology. Nothing left to take but writing. And that one's a philosophy class and I made friends with the tutor >_>

See, kids! It's possible to do good in school while getting a healthy dose of video games!