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Hooray for patience

Yay for Bioshock Infinite! It was a great game. I have very little to complain about. Maybe that it was too short? Yea, that's probably it. Except for the 1 hour I played the moment I could play it (then I went to bed cause I was waaaaay too sleepy), I played through it in one sitting. I tend to do that. But it was so great and I had a really hard time pausing and doing important things, like eating. 

So, I waited how many years for it, and it's over already? Totally worth it though. Loved it. 

Although I am doing a second playthrough, and oh my, the things I missed on the first playthrough. Not just items and places to explore, but also tiny story details. 

OH, and I totally called the ending. I've seen enough time-y space warp steampunkish movies/games/books to know where that was going. 

I got part of my tax return the other day. I was planning on getting a tattoo, which I estimated to cost about 150$ but I talked to the tattoo artist, he said it would be closer to 250$. So I was like HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO. *insert NO meme face here* (you know the one I'm talking about).

I am probably just going to get some games instead. Like the ones I missed out on in the last few years.

Or I could do the responsible thing and save it.




[spoiler] ahhhhhhhh a whole blog without talking about WoW hooraaaaaaay cake for everyone [/spoiler]