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I do what I want

I don't know why everyone was freaking out over the new Dante in DMC. I rather enjoyed it. The new Dante is sort of fun. I mean, no one will ever match the original Dante, but for a reboot the new one was pretty cool. And the new Vergil was pretty cool too. I was gonna score it an 8, but the last few missions were a lot of fun. And the ending, although sort of predictable, was a nice way to set it up for more games. Overall it was a lot of fun, like the old games, and done well. 

I bought Dishonored cause it was on sale on Steam this weekend. Woo! And now I'm broke. Go figure. I should really stop buying so many games, but I can't help it. I get my paycheck and I'm all, Yea, responsibility! and then 30 seconds later I'm surrounded with video games and cackling. Like a crazy cat lady. Except with video games. 

So anyway, reboots are pretty cool. They seem to be going around a lot lately. I think they can be a good idea, if a game series is cool and popular but the story lines are getting dumb. Or if they're old enough. People have been telling me to try to the new Tomb Raider, but I don't like Tomb Raider games. I played one of the originals and I don't know what was wrong with me, but I was trying to jump a gap and I died probably about 40 times trying to jump that gap and I felt like I was doing the same thing the game was telling me to do. I would blame it on the fact that I was only a small child, but unfortunately the exact same thing happened the other day when I was playing Castlevania: I swear I was doing exactly what the controls said, but the thing that should have been happening wasn't happening. 

Am I broken? 


Oh, and I was also really turned off by the whole "Let's make Lara Croft an interesting character by abusing her and having her almost get raped! that'll make her strong!" Idk. It was one of the earliest things they released was a video and game play of Lara all beat up and escaping huge burly men trying to tear her clothes off and I was like ... wow. What? I don't know if they kept it in the game or not because I never heard anything about it again, but whatever. I have enough games to play as it is. If someone for whatever reason gave it to me as a present, sure. 

My old college roommate will be visiting soon and I'm ever so excited. We have lots of drinking games to try. So I'm gonna be fairly drunk for a solid week or so while she's here and I'm looking forward to it. I haven't drank in a while. Well, I haven't been drunk in a while. I drink often. Not much. Sometimes. 

Another game I missed while I was hiding was Disgaea 4. Never knew there was a 4th one. I played through the first chapter and I'm glad to see it's as annoying and adorable as ever. In a good way. Even if it is the same game as the first three. But it was cheap and I can't complain. Cheap things are nice. It's nice to not know about all these games I missed because now they're super cheap! 

Oh, and, although I know I've been refraining from WoWspeak, I did sell my account to a friend. She gave me 60$ for it and said if I ever wanted to play again, she'd let me have it again. Which is neat, the more I thought about it, the more I thought, if the next expac is awesome, I won't want to start from scratch. I will just have to see what they do for the final boss of Mists, though. I have a theory but I won't be around to see it. Oh well. I probably could have sold it for more because I had a butt load of rare mounts and pets and gold and achievements but whatevs. I'd rather see it the hands of a friend than someone who's gonna move my action bars around and touch stuff. Rude. 

So apparently spring doesn't exist anymore in northern MN. It's pretty much going to snow until mid-May. It's upsetting.