.......being stopped by a cop. And not even for anything cool, like speeding. It was for unsafe passing. I passed a car on the right in a bike lane. It wouldn't have been a big deal if the cop just said "You can't pass here. Now you know." because I did NOT know. I mean, it's been close to 4 years since my driver's training, and I don't think they told me about Minnesota statute 169.18. And even if they had, I forgot it by now. Anyway, this bastard cop told me to go to court. And not just any day. On my fraking BIRTHDAY. So I tell him "I don't understand why I have to go to court." He explains that he doesn't know why either, or whether or not there's a fine involved. (Um, if you know enough to pull me over for doing it, why don't you know the consequences? dumbass.) He just says if I don't show up, don't contact the courthouse, or plead not guilty, that I can be arrested. All this....over passing a car in a bike lane WHERE THERE WERE NO BIKES FOR MILES. So, I don't understand why I have to pay the state money because I didn't hurt anything. I didn't injure anyone. I plead ignorance. But now I have to go to court, over something stupid like this. And for the record, I've NEVER been pulled over by a cop. Not once. So, on my first ever offense (and not even something dangerous!) they're making me go to court. WTF.
That's how my day went. I played a lot more FFIV. Went to see the Dark Knight again just for Ledger's inspiring acting. I left after his last scene. Oh, I played FFIV during the scenes he wasn't in. I mean, I just can't understand that Heath Ledger is the joker. Holy balls. He's so good.
So, I'm going to eat some delicious noodles and chill. I plan on calling the courthouse soon and telling them about this stupid cop. He totally ruined my day. Grrr....