Some of you may know I spent a good few years entrenched in World of Warcraft, first because I loved Arthas and when there was an expansion dedicated to him I needed it, and when that ended, because I am a loser and a completionist and did you know I have all 11 classes to 90 and all professions maxed and hundreds of thousands of gold and I'm amazing at everything?
Well now that it's over and I've grown fed up with the crappy community, I FINALLY bought Borderlands 2 over the weekend (for 24$ no less. Commence dance party! *wub wub wub wub wub wub*).
oh my god why didn't anyone tell me this game is a million times better than the last one!? Everything the old game does right B2 does better. I mean I loved the old one but this one makes me weep with joy. In the last 5 days I've accumulated 40 hours (Don't worry I have been making it to work) and I'm just so happy with it I'll probably play it another 100 hours because these side quests are so long and some main quests are frustrating and I can't stop playing.
And of course Handsome Jack is very handsome. I mean, I know he's not, but, there's something really irresistible about a rich snarky guy who murders left and right because he feels entitled. In fact, he's edged out some other handsome fictional murderers and claimed a spot in my "Attractive fictional psychopaths who kill innocent people in droves" (I already know something is wrong with me and I've stopped denying who I am). And besides in my imagination, there's only a more handsome man underneath his mask.
Don't ruin this for me!!
But seriously the game is super fab. Except for some frustrating crap and getting stuck on random environment parts I'm happy as can be. I picked Axton as my character because I thought he was the most attractive (pretty much how I choose all my characters) and now he has a rugged beard and war paint and it's too bad I can't play in third person but I guess that would take away all the magic.
Long story short I'm super happy I got it and I imagine we'll have a long fulfilling relationship. Oh, and I'm playing it on the PC with all my graphics cranked up, and damn.
I feel like Ubisoft is jumping the gun with another AC game already, it looks pretty neat, and I liked the trailer, until the naked women showed up. Whenever that happens in movies or games I just think, I am a grown ass lady and am capable of finding my own porn, thanks. That sort of thing really shuts me down because I play games and watch movies primarily for story, and when there's needless sex in something, the inner writer (you know the one with a BFA that needs a real job where I can get my literature fix) comes out and demands a perfectly good reason for it. It's my main reason for not watching a lot of stuff people tell me is awesome.
I will stick with My Little Pony.
That's not all I watch, I swear.
I still have my eye on Ni No Kuni which I really really want but I have yet to see it under 50$ so it may have to wait. I also need to get my hands on this new DMC if not that it's a good game, but that yes here I am being a OCD completion freak but I need it for my collection. I need lots of things.
Another long-ass blog brought to you by too much coffee and a wrenching desire for human interaction. :cry: