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Life is crappy.

I want a Wii really bad. My Gamestop is getting a few in tomorrow morning, but tonight is my last night time with friends...before I go home. and let's just say I don't think I'd be ready to wake up early and camp out for a Wii at nine o clock...or even ten. or eleven. Hell, I wasn't planning to get up until noon. But I have to have a Wii. So I designated a driver, and in twelve hours or less I will be sitting outside Gamestop, knocking on the door and begging for a Wii. "Excuse me," I'll say to the manager. "You might remember me. In fact, I'm sure you do. I'm that crazy chick that comes here every time my best friend is working, and I buy a ton of stuff. Think of me as an investment--sell me a Wii, and I'll come back and buy much, much more. SELL ME THAT WII...."

Hopefully, he'll say yes. In fact, I'm sure he will.