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this summer very little has happened. I turned down a waitressing job. But it's ok but i found another job thingie where I do random tasks for a few hours. So far I've done everything from shredding to copying to proofreading to cleaning to eating lunch with the boss. I haven't made a lot of money but I don't care. I don't really want a job at the moment.

I have been playing WoW....shocker. I got my 4th 80 though. A warlock. they are fun ^_^ but I think I'm getting tired of wow ~.~ which is probably a good thing.

Because I has xbox 360 now! Anyone who has one of those, feel free to add me. As long as I know you of course >.>

I haven't been watching a lot of anime....I don't know why.

I'm so excited to start a new school. In my last blog, I was all ok with living here. What the hell was I thinking? As soon as I got here my mom was all "IMA GET CHICKENS FOR YOU TO TAKE CARE AND YOU GET TO MOW AND DO ALL THESE THINGS" and I was like ".......dead." So less than a month and I'll be back to sleeping into stupid times and staying up late and playing games all day and junk.

I am going to try to move less crap to my dorm though. When I was moving out I wondered why the hell I had some crap I had. So.....dishes, clothes, shower things. All my games. Excellent ^_^

Just letting you know I wasn't dead....yet.