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My week in a nutshell...a big nutshell.

It's been a busy week. I've had a lot of projects and stuff due, and I think I passed my Ethics test with flying colors. Only, not really. I was supposed to write a 8 page story for my fiction class, started two different things, and then scrapped them for something completly out of the way. Overall it was about 11 pages, but I don't care. Surprisingly though my teacher liked something I turned in last week, even though I wrote it at 3 in the morning. I was proud of myself.

So, I haven't been watching a lot of anime because I made friends with this crazy girl who's in love with Stargate. And by crazy, I mean insane, and by in love, I mean obsessed. This was the kind of obsession I had when I was 12 (she's 22). And she tells everyone about it. I'm like, wow. I feel that way about video games, but I stuff it down inside so no one can tell. and then when someone asks me I ramble nonstop for a few minutes, just to let some pressure off, and then the process repeats itself. She never stops talking about Stargate.

So yea, that's what I've been watching is Stargate. I've also been watching a few episodes of anime, like Tales of the Abyss (mmm....Jade....).

I've been playing lots of Dragon Quest IV and Castlevania:SOTN on the PSP. I've been playing Xenogears too when I had the time, but you know...tonight is the Fable II release. I doubt I'll be playing anything else or even sleeping for a while. I will have to go to work, which sucks. But I need these monies to buy video games. I do get a big fat paycheck on friday though.

Oh, and My Japanese Coach = awesome.