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need...sleeping pills...O_O

I have never been more tired in my life. This morning I woke up, and I was insanely dizzy. I must have looked drunk to everyone. And the sad thing is, I have no one to blame. I can't blame my roommate, because even though she studied until stupid 3am (Who DOES that in college???) I was still wide awake when she walked back in the room. So it's my fault, I was up pretty late doing some editing on my story for my friend because she's coming over this weekend and we'll be working on our *manga* (insert jazz hands here). and then of course I ran out of sleeping pills. So the insomnia returns. I imagine that without them in a few days I will be wide eyed and dead looking. But I will probably have finished much video games, like last year. Except last year I didn't have a roommate the whole year. But she has a boyfriend, why, if she is so sick of me, doesn't she stay here?

Wow. Someone rambles when she's tired. I'm even having trouble typing or remembering anything. Like in Eternal Sonata, I can't remember that girl's name. I'm going through them all in my head, like "March? Salsa? Waltz???!! WTF??!! What is her name!!"

If anyone's wondering how my neck is doing, I went to a chiropractor. He was amazing. I am awesome now, but I have to go back for a follow-up today. But I'm doing a lot better, and my stepdad is going to pay for the two appointments and then I'm on my own. I have to get my own health insurance sometime soon.

I have a great story for anyone who likes to hear about morons! :D

So last Monday, I think it was, I was working at the front desk in my dorm. This guy comes downstairs, and asks me if I had gotten any packages in the last hour. I'm confused, since I had been there ten minutes. I told him no, the mail doesn't come until the afternoon. He gets all sad and then tells me he's expecting an important package. I don't care, but I don't say that, I just repeat that the mail comes in the afternoon, and the packages come with it. He goes away.

Ten minutes later he comes back. He tells me, with authority, that on the internet, it says the package has been delivered. I want to hit him in the face. Instead, I tell him that the package has been the post office. He gets all flustered and tells me that, by God, if the package has been delivered it MUST be in the cabinet. I ask his name. I look in the cabinet. No package. He's pissed at me by now. I ask him the question that shuts him the hell up: "Did you even check your mailbox for a package slip?"

He grumbles, gets out his key, looks his mailbox:no slip. But he insists "It said it was delivered...."

If anyone does online shopping to the max, it's me. If it's delivered in the morning, it will be there in the afternoon. I have learned this. I know these things.

Here's the kicker: he came back after the hour had passed, saw me at the desk, turned around and walked away.

I love stupid people. I do.