No seriously. My roommate took out her trash and everything so today I'll talk about games.
I paid off my Star Ocean pre-order, yippee. Also purchased Digital Devil Saga, but I only bought the original because it was about 40$. The second one is around 55$ so I'll wait until another pay day. My Disgaea and Rhapsody package should be here soon, along with Shadow Hearts and Xenogears.
This weekend I must beat Tales of Vesperia and hurry to finish Persona 3 so I can move on. Plus, it's almost October. Fable II and Fallout 3 are coming out. 8D Such a good game time, it is.
Also, Note made me a banner! :D It's full of adorable things. But because GS wouldn't let us upload a 49kb banner (which is stupid because that's under 50kb >_>) we had to make it smaller and now the quality sucks. But at least it's there.