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I had to wake up insanely early to go take a test, but my roomate wanted to stay up and play flash games until 2am. This prompted me to start looking for apartments. I'm going to see if I can't find a normal person to share an apartment with. I cannot believe people like her exist.

Moving onto games, I bought Shadow Hearts for a decent price. When payday shows up, I plan to get the Digital Devil Saga games because I can find them brand spanking new, each around 50$. Also, I should probably maybe pay off my pre-orders, or perhaps get things like shampoo. (Actually, I don't use shampoo that often--because my hair is so curly shampoo dries it right out. I only use it about every 4 days, if that.) I promised myself I wouldn't spend all my "hard-earned" money this year, so as long as I don't go below a certain amount in my savings I'll be good (and yet, by that logic, I only have 5$ left....)

I'm feeling a little depressed lately for a number of reasons. I'm not sure what some of them are, but I know I'm really starting to loathe my university. A lot of people tell me I need college. But let's get real: my major is Creative Writing. What can four expensive years here teach me that a few online courses can't? or maybe practice? I understand that a lot of college is not just teh actual classroom setting, but at the expense of telling everyone the crap I've been going through in the past year, let's just say...I think I've seen enough. I've had a lot of good experiences, some not so great ones, and some that just been terrible and taught me loads about myself. also, I've been a waitress for close to two years now. What job can teach you how to deal with people more? (it's also taught me that I despise people for the most part--even though my mother tells me I need these skills, I still don't take or give BS).

Hence the title of this blog--*sigh*

I'll end on a disgusting little note--the GMWs, the people that clean our bathrooms and kitchens, redid their contract. They're no longer obligated to take out our garbage. The garbage that's in our rooms, we have to take out ourself. However, our GMW is particulaly awesome, so he still takes out our trash for us. Our RA told us not to overflow the garbages though, even though that happens EVERY DAY. I only throw my trash away in the kitchen if the bag isn't full. If it is, I take it out on my way to class--it's only an extra 20 feet or so.

Because my roommate is stupid and lazy, plus she claims not to know where the dumpster is (um, hello, it's that big green thing right outside the building?), she has 3, yes, 3 bags of garbage full of dirty kleenexs, food containers, and God knows what else sitting next to her computer.

Is that not disturbing? I mean, I know we live on the 3rd floor on a building with no elevators, but seriously, it's only THREE FLOORS. Get some frigging exercise. I've told her where the dumpster is like 3 times now. There is no excuse why she just can't take it out. I mean, she smokes close to 5 times a day (not counting when she walks to class, just when she leaves the room). Why can't she just throw away her garbage then?

You can understand my frustration with her now, yes?