I really can't do anything. I'm so sick right now that if I sat up I would probably die. (the computer is slowly killing me but I can't live without it.)
So I decided to make a blog! I'm entertained, and everyone gets to know what's going on in my interesting, sick head (I have a head cold. Minds, out of the gutter, nao!) Let's get started.
First thing on the agenda today: my blog project for my blogging class. So when I first heard I had to do a blog/wiki project (I'm picking blog because I'm better at it) my first thought was duh, videogames. But then I got to thinking. If I picked to do a blog project on video games.....I would be required to play them! It would be my homework! I was thinking I would do several different things with it, such as... 1.) naming my favorite video games of all time, 2.) honorable mentions of games I've played, 3.) games everyone tells me to play but I'm not getting around to it anytime soon, 4.) games I hate that everyone else likes, and 5.) What I'm currently playing. That's just my initial thoughts of what I would do (this project has to span over like, 2 months and I must post like every day so I need a lot of content. so if you think of something else, let me know.) So far I like the idea and I'm excited to start it.
Alright next. World of Warcraft! My subscription ends today.
***Before everyone says "whooo!" and "don't ever play that again!" I have to remind you if you say such things I will destroy you or mostly likely, just not talk to you again. World of Warcraft is 1.) a video game and 2.) an RPG (not to mention several other various things). So if you think that me playing it is a bad thing, there's something wrong with your head. Also, I'm SO SICK of people saying crap like that. like I said, it's a video game. What do I do? PLAY VIDEO GAMES D: D: D:***
Moving on. I'm a level 48 female Blood Elf hunter. I have a pet cat named Bigglesworth. He kills stuff for me. I probably won't play it again for a few weeks because there's a few things I wanted to work on. So for those people mentioned above, rejoice! But not for long >_>
Let's see. Because I'll be doing a blog project, I probably won't be updating this blog much for a few months. I'll put a link to my other blog in my header so that you all can check up on me. I'll still be on Gamespot, just not blogging.
In other non-video game related news, I finished my first short story for my fiction class! It was weird because it came fully formed to me in a dream and it worked out really well. I hope I get to work on it more. That would be so nice. But if I do, that means less time for Gamespot :(
I'm going to stop buying so many video games.
No really. I'm not broke but I will be. I figure if I start amassing my riches now I can buy games later. So I'll only purchase a few games for now. Also...I'm going to start reading :o
That's what's going on in my head today! Just thought I'd let you all know what's going on for the next few months.