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There is a reason....

...why I plan to be a hermit. Last week some girl I work with asked me to work a 4-7 shift for her on Saturday. I said no problem, asked her if she wanted to switch any other shifts so she didn't lose those three hours. Nope, she said, that's ok, she had a double shift that day somewhere else and a three hour loss was a-ok.

Note the emphasis on THREE HOURS.

So I work her shift for her, no problem. Sunday afternoon Note tells me to listen to a message on his cell phone voice mail (we're pretty much together all the time on the weekends so if people want to get a hold of me they call his cellphone rather than my room phone) turns out my supervisor called him and yelled at him because I was supposed to work the same girl's shift on Sunday afternoon.

I haven't had a chance to speak with my boss yet, but...this is ridiculous. Just because I planned to work part of her weekend shift gives her NO reason to assume I'm going to work the other five hours and let me get in trouble for it. Now my boss is ticked off at ME because some stupid girl thought she could take a vacation. I swear I cannot remember her telling me ANYTHING about me working on Sunday morning, which is why I emphasized the fact that I only had to work THREE hours.

And to make matters worse, I had to deal with two stupid people today already, I'm only 1/2 hour into my shift. Some guy came to the front asking where his papers were that he printed off. I pointed him to the basket clearly marked "PRINTOUTS". He scoffed and made a face at melike I shoud be standing there with the printouts in my hand, waiting.

Another idiot decided it would be dandy for him to come behind the counter, even though the door says "EMPLOYESS ONLY". WTF. Can't people READ anymore!? Where has the common sense of the human race gone!? I asked him to step out and stand at the counter. He said "Can't you give me my key first?"

Stand at the counter like every other ****ing person. I can hand keys over the counter perfectly as if you were standing next to me. Now get the hell out of my work space.

That's why I want to become a hermit. I can write stories in my giant mansion and send off one every once in a while to make another million dollars (geez, someone has delusions of grandeur...) I wish. In the meantime, I spoke to my older sister. She and her boyfriend are moving into a house together and since things aren't really working out between me and my mom (what with her forcing me to spend money I don't have) I asked her if I could come and live in her basement. Of course I would pay rent, I said, and I don't plan to come out of my room unless I'm going to work or school. She sent this crazy long email about how I would have to pay rent and blah blah blah. So basically she just told me I'd have to do everything I said I would (except stay in my room--she doesn't understand my hermit-ness). But I think this is a better option for me. I can work more, higher paying jobs to save up some money for my own place, and at the same time I plan to take one or two (maybe three) classes at some other college. I'd rather work slowly and throughly through a goal than try to finish it quickly and crappily (let's just say my grades aren't the hottest.) I would pay for this college by myself because I plan to have a talking with my mother, and I plan to ask nicely for that money set aside for my college, since that's what it's there for and she's not doing a damn thing with it (Quote: "Which leaves another 3000$ for us to pay, and *sigh* I just don't know where we're going to get that.")

By taking only a few classes at a time the money would only slowly dwindle from the college fund, and if I need to I can put money in it from my savings.

In other unrelated news, VIDEO GAMES. I beat Tales of Vesperia this weekend. I spent close to 4 hours in the final dungeon. It was hella long, but by then I had all these sweet artes and skills so it made the grinding to the final boss kinda fun. Besides, I could have probably done some more grinding, because DAMN. The boss fight was long. It wasn't really hard, but it was long. The ending was strange and kinda unexpected. I mean, everything turned out alright and it wasn't completely out of the blue. I guess I just expected more justice and retribution for the bad guy.

Also almost finished with Persona 3. Whew, did that game throw me for a loop. I was all like "I HAS EVERYTHING FIGURED OUT" but I actually only had half of it figured it. Which is cool, as an English major plot twists make me drool.

Speaking of which, I plan to play Xenogears as soon as it shows up. *squee*