Omg, hey everyone!! I took a break from GS for a while... I think a lot of people did. I have a lot of news that you all are anxious to hear!!! (I hope...)
Today I got my math quiz back and I missed one question!!! WOOT!!! We had a pep rally and my throat hurts from it.... I was hyper so me and my friends started screaming our lungs out! XD When we got back in me and my friends were singing "WE'RE HIGH! SO FLY! YOU KNOW IT! BOWLIN!!!!" Yes, I know that's not how it goes.
There was about 2 (almost) fights today, if you don't count me slamming my friends boyfriend into the wall cause he was talking **** about me. And if you don't count me calling this girl a whore cause she called me retarded after the pep rally. Anyway I saw one fight and the other one I couldn't get close enough to see. =(
My friends birthday is today! Yippee!!!! Let's have a party!! *mumble*No one remembered my Birthday -_-*mumble*
This is the first time I typed so long!! =o Well I've been gone a loooong time so I have 107 unread messages and most of them are about unions. -_- I went out and got 2 new PS2 games! Sims 2 and Ys:Ark of blah blah.
Well, imah go now.
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