Nobody has mentioned the Baldur's Gate series. There. It's been mentioned.
mtbrdude87's forum posts
You clearly have a computer, which means you should buy The Longest Journey. The original, not the sequel. That game is my #1 favourite game of all time, and it came out in like 1999 so your pc should be able to handle it just fine.
there are some multiplayer modes that let you respawn. I forget what they're called, but try them out. I know there's one with a "bomb" that keeps swapping hands throughout the game.
I also just thought of this... if your PC is decent, maybe pick up Unreal Tourny 3. It's pretty cheap now and still has a decent online community. :)
Simple answer: Rainbow Six. The amount of strategy required in the game keeps all the kids with short attention spans out, so there's none of that annoying crap that plauges halo and gears. You CHOOSE what map/game type you want, and you can even customize game options. As for it being a camp fest, you'll find that there are very few places to camp, and even if you find a nice juicy spot, it won't be safe for very long.
The only thing that sucks is that most of the community has moved on to the CoD games. At this point in time I'd pass over the original R6: Vegas and go straight for the second one, if you're looking for online fun. If you also enjoy single player then get the first R6: Vegas as well, because the story is better in it :)
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