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Edited By mtheprof

I've read every single comment and the main points I read are power doesn't mean squat now that Scorpio has been revealed. Funny how the Games are the selling point now that they can't holler 900 p or 30 frames per second. Absolutely an astounding turn about from the Sony camp. I could literally post thousands of comments screaming about the ps4 hardware advantage until this announcement. You poke the bear long enough and now you get bit. People claiming Sony can just upgrade Neo have no idea about silicon and other considerations when building and designing a new piece of hardware. Ms has more pocket change than Sony has capital. They could cram a new 1080 card in their machines just to bring mr Mike dropper back to reality if they so desired, and that's a fact that is easily backed up by doing a quick search of market capitalization.

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Edited By mtheprof

@indiansepoy @mtheprof

That's the point my friend, Sony does NOT have the money. Wall Street reported that the reason Sony sold their headquarters was the lack of cash for the "upcoming" PS4. Sony as a company is in junk bond status now. What that means is one small misstep and they will cease to exist as you and I know them.

And as for the 360, they ARE going to be able to tap into these features. The reason it went to MS is because of server cost, and MS made it attractive. They "Respawn" approached Sony but they didn't have the ability to help defray the cost. I'm afraid you will see this a lot in the future. MS is very profitable with serious cash reserves, " Microsoft's cash hoard has grown by $5 billion to $68bn" That is more than Sony's entire net worth.

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Edited By mtheprof

@Lostat When I go home after a hard day's work I want to put my feet up and relax, not flap my arms about

Yea, walking in and saying XBOX ON really works a tired man. Or even telling it to turn to my favorite channel. God the horror

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@kvan33 Then I guess by that reasoning Sony lost it this gen huh, it was $600.00 at launch., God people use your brain.

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I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you're what....13

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Edited By mtheprof

@indiansepoy @spectreSE7EN

If you think Sony has 700 Million dollars to drop on servers, I want some of what you're having.

Yoshida said that "if your title needs [an] online connection to provide some online features: Go for it."

Not exactly the same no matter how you spin it

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Forget using facts with rarson. He reminds me of Ken Kutaragi of Sony, who got his a## handed to him after all the smack talk about the 360. I'm glad he likes the wii 1.5

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Hate to break it to you YoshiYogurt , Nintendo is a "Corporation".

They just happen to be 10 years behind everyone else.

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1 According to IBM, Nintendo's Wii U is powered by a custom 45nm multi-core Power processor with embedded DRAM. But anonymous sources have told Games Industry Biz that the Wii U hasn't got the power to match even the current crop of consoles, never mind the PS4 or Xbox 720.

"No, it's not up to the same level as the PS3 or the 360," explained one dev. "The graphics are just not as powerful."

Another said: "It doesn't produce graphics as well as the PS3 or the 360.

"There aren't as many shaders, it's not as capable. Sure, some things are better, mostly as a result of it being a more modern design. But overall the Wii U just can't quite keep up."

So any Ninty fans hoping for a next-gen beast of a gaming machine are likely to be disappointed.

2 Wii U processing speed low compared to 360, PS3, says Tekken producer

3 Phil Spencer, has said in an interview with GamesIndustry that Nintendo is "building a platform that is effectively a 360 when you think of graphical capability", referring to the Wii U.

4 Surely the almost seven-years-old Xbox 360 wouldn't be able to keep up with the next generation? Isn't that the whole point of a new generation of hardware? And yet, we've seen Wii U in action. We've played it,But the demos of ZombiU and Batman: Arkham City that we've seen with our very eyes look sub-Xbox 360 quality, or at least approximate to it. And none of them were running at 1080p.

5 According to WiiUDaily (and we’re confirming), the games shown at E3 are native at 720p resolution, a considerable step down from the 1080p, 3D-pumping action coming out of the 360 and the PS3 in many cases. Although there is no absolute proof that the Wii U launch titles will all be 720p, the site noted that “the representative couldn’t confirm whether the games can be upscaled to 1080p, only that the ‘native resolution is 720p for all titles showcased.’”

6 Katsuhiro Harada, producer at Namco Bandai and project leader for Tekken Tag Tournament 2, said that the new game needs some "creative ways" to cope with a processor that may not be up to par with the competition. Harada told Digital Spy that the Wii U processor clock speed is "kinda low" and that this circumstance requires some extra effort to make the game work as expected. He noted that the clock speed may be "a little bit" lower than that of the Xbox 360 or PS3.

7 Nintendo have put themselves in a position where they are unable to compete with Microsoft and Sony from a specifications standpoint, and from a service standpoint, and are forced to overly rely on the success of a controller that can easily be duplicated by the competition whenever it is they decide to release. And they'll do so with better graphics, more power, and a far more advanced service. The casuals have moved on to the next big thing, while the hardcore are too deeply invested in services the other brands have been busy perfecting for the last 6-10 years. Nintendo is too far behind in that sense and aren't coming out of the gate swinging hard enough to go toe-to-toe with the current generation of consoles, let alone the next generation. With Nintendo's recent financial crisis, and if the Wii U is the failure I think it's going to be, this could be the last home console they ever make.

8 When Nintendo launched the Wii, it didn't feature the latest graphics, but became a runaway success thanks to its then-novel controller. Now in the era of Kinect, the company prepares the new Wii U to replace its aging console without such an advantage -- and it appears to be delivering another underpowered system.

Developers have expressed disappointment with the Wii U's hardware, saying it can't even match the graphics firepower of the Xbox 360 and PS3. Given that those consoles are a bit long in the tooth, too, the fact that Nintendo couldn't surpass them is a bit puzzling, to say the least. As Hot Hardware points out, the IBM Power CPU and the Radeon 4000-based graphics rumored to be in the Wii U should be able to match the existing systems' performance. To add insult to injury, it appears that the Wii U's biggest potential selling point -- a touchscreen controller -- has its own limitations. Supposedly the new console can only handle input from a solitary touchscreen controller, so you can't have multiple players using multiple touchscreens.

9 At last week's Developer Conference in Brighton, England, industry analyst and managing director of equity research at Wedbush Securities Michael Pachter once again stated his skepticism regarding Nintendo and its upcoming Wii console. "I don't think they [Nintendo] suck," he told Edge, "I just think that they really believe that, 'If we're still novel, everything we do will work.' This isn't going to work."

Pachter is known for straight-talking opinions, and has not shied away from detailing how he thinks Nintendo has erred with its approach to the Wii U. At the Develop Conference, Pachter elaborated that he thinks that the hardcore crowd will buy the system simply because it says Nintendo on it, and that the company wouldn't strike lightning twice between the Wii and the Wii U. "I don't think they're getting lucky with Wii U." he said.

He also questions the console's basic design and fuctionality. "I think that essentially this is a solution in search of a problem," said Pachter. "I mean, somebody had an idea – 'Let's make the controller a tablet' – and there aren't many games that are going to take advantage of that."

I got this in about 5 min of looking. I guess most of the developers and analyst need to consult with you before publishing. LOL IDIOT

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@rarson Defend the pee u all you want. All one has to do is Google it and read to see that this thing is WAY Underpowered. I guess reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

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