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What's up, So I haven't bought a PSP game in a while, my most current ones are God of War: Chains of Olympus, which I just got a few minutes ago & an import game, which is Gundam Battle Chronicles....hasn't arrived yet....It's been a week, so I'll never be shopping from Play-Asia again.

So far I'm lovin' GOW. Just like its PS2 counterparts, I haven't gotten that far but, I like it. Controls, sounds & looks alot like the first Gow. I like the prequal idea,too, very good storyline.I think I'll give it an..[A]BCDF, I know it's alittle premature seeing as how I'm barely into it but, I can guess that the rest is gonna play like this. I'll probably be playing this on the plane(I'm going to Wisconsin for a week) hope it lasts those 6 hours because I heard CoO was a bit on the short side. I would recommend any of you GoW fans(or if you're new to this) to get this if you didn't already.

Also I have some heartbreaking news...My PS3 is currently broken:cry:I mean, it turns on & everything, it's just something wrong with the AV, I can't see a thing, so I'm shipping it to Sony. Probably won't see all you PS3 players for like, a month but I must stay strong..oh, here come the waterworks:?:cry: see you guys. probably be reviewing GundamBC next.

mtlmlisha5 out, PEACE!

This Just in! 7/15- Ok that game was very short, I just finished it, although I finished it on easy, i guess I'll try out the other modes & Challenge of hades. Still an A, though.