Wow, it doesn't seem like it has been 3 years, it has been a short long time if there has been such, back then i was a 7th grader and now i am a sophomore, anyway thanks to all the people who have been my friends and hopefully another three years, if 2012 doesn't happen, ha it would suck if it did, anyway I am enjoying school and made a 89 on my first math test and a92 on my first physics test and aced my spanish test, it has been good so far and hopefully it will be the rest of the year. The college and NFL football seasons are coming so happy times for me, has anyone else seen the huntsville intruder video that has now been made into a song, it was an overnight success, of course ithad to happen in Alabama, it sucks being stereotyped as rednecks but most of us aren't, anyway hows it been lately with you, 3 years wow, what a long time. see ya.
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