I have the same problem, it's not all the time though. I doubt they will fix it because the online play just seems thrown together anyway and with games like KZ2, COD:5, and all the various sports games out now, there's hardly anyone still playing Top Spin. I do pop it in on occasion though. I loved the mini-games in Virtua Tennis but I think Top Spin gives you the better overall game of tennis.
Sprint from R2 to X, Switch defenders from circle to X, Strafe from L2 to R1, and a host of others! In Madden 2008 you could change the controls to whatever you want, I just don't know why they wouldn't allow it this time around.
I REALLY hope I'm wrong but I don't think there's a way to modify your controls!!! When I pause the game and to settings or gameplay whatever it is, it says "View" controls instead of "Modify" controls like last year. And why would this not be mentioned in the review? This is a HUGE deal to me! Oh well, if anyone figures out how to edit the controls please let me know.
I agree there needs to be a lobby of some sorts implemented. In World Tour "Which is where you can only play as your created character) You have no choice on who you play but in the other mode you can search for a custom match and just leave all the options at "Any" and a few different players and game types will pop up. All I play is World Tour though and there needs to be a lobby or rooms.
I have the same problem. I'm using a ****** router and I have to go to network settings to disable the internet before I turn it on. Personally it doesn't really bother me that much because I bought it strictly for the "Road to the Show" mode. The only thing that's gonna suck is how am I gonna download roster updates??? But I agree that Sony dropped the ball on this one, this problem is inexcusable.
Cool! I'll do that from now on. The only thing that's gonna suck is when we need to download roster updates, then what are we gonna do? Oh well, I'll be playing Road to the Show 'til the next one comes out anyway, not to mention a whole of COD mixed in there lol
It probably is the router because when I disconnect it I can play offline just fine but whenever I connect it I can't get past the main screen, which is perfectly fine beause I'm mainly gonna play Road to the Show anyway and had no real plans of playing online but this is gonna suck whenever there is a roster update threw the network. I've tried disconnecting it and reconnecting but it just won't work when the ethernet cable is plugged in???
Thanks guys! I had previously deleted all MLB '08 material from my hard drive including the demo and that still didn't do the trick, but I didn't realize I still had some old MLB '07 info on there in the game utility tab I tried to erase it but again my PS3 froze! It turns out that data from MLB '07 was corrupted! I restarted the PS3 and was finally able to delete that '07 info and just to make sure I disconnected and reconnected to the internet and the game started up fine! Thanks again guys!
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