WOW is not like EQ2 and no other MMO out there is like EQ2. The closest thing is Everquest 1. I have researched this so much and everyone points to SWTOR or WOW or GW2. GW2 is barly even a mmo! No tier gear, no raids, all gear is = so why play your char to max when you can't get him more powerful. Basically a level 80 in GW2 is = to all level 80's regardless if you been 80 for 6 months+ or level 80 for 10 minutes. I tried it and hated it for the most part. I have tried every free mmo and nothing even comes close to EQ1 or EQ2. One thing that does look promising is Archeage and Elder Scrolls Online. However, what I am really waiting for is Everquest Next. No mmo so far can do what Everquest does. Only thing I can say is Try Rift. I think its better then all the rest, but still not even close to what Everquest is.
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