@mister74:Game pass is great, yeah sure you don't have to play it on Xbox. But considering a 5 year old graphics card costs more than Series X right now. Its a pretty good deal, for everything you get for the price. Sure Playstation might have better games, but they also costs over $100 a pop here in Europe.
Hope they fix so that you can actually mute the speakers on the console itself when a headset is plugged in. Why would i want sound from my TV when my headset is plugged in? Literally makes no sense. I have to manually mute the speakers and then i always forget to turn them back on when i turn of the console or the headset...
@pcps4xb:Yes but i said good. I really like Astro and miles morales. Demon's Souls Is a PS3 game, but i bought it since i really like From Software. Also comparing a PS4 game with a PS5 patch is basically like saying that M$ released Gears 5 and Forza Horizon 4 for Series X. They are 100% Xbox one games. But they are series X upgraded and look really impressive.
Not defending Xbox or anything, i am primarily a PC gamer, so Xbox is my least played console since, i can play all those games on my PC. I do like a lot of first party M$ games though.
@styymy:None of those except for phones are on TSMC 7nm. PS5 shortage has more to do with the fact that AMD makes more money on their own products. So they will prioritize a Ryzen CPU before a PS5 or a series X. But they have contracts to fulfill, so they are at least letting Sony and M$ have as many consoles that where promised. The reason why PS5 is in so low supply is cause of demand. 8M consoles in 5 months is basically a record for any new console ever, except for the Wii i think. They usually catch up steam once they been out for longer.
@Thuban_23: Well to be fair PS5 doesn't have any good games either (yet). Except for Astro. I mean both consoles have good last gen games. But current gen games, Xbox literally has nothing, except the medium which is only decent at best. And PS5 has a PS3 game and a PS4 game (Demon's Souls and Miles Morales) And since i am a trophy whore i actually played miles on PS4. Cause that unlocked all trophies on PS5 as well when you loaded the save. So only had to play through it once for double trophies.
@arishok124: Most TVs only go to 60hz. And Xbox actually does 1440 120 in a lot of games. PS5 does 4K 120 in some games, but not 1440p. Which is huge btw, since most 1440p monitors don't have HDMI 2.1 meaning that they cant accept a 4k signal more than 60hz.
There literally hasn't been any major content update in any game since then (except for Wow), so its not surprising. Other games as a service get huge updates every 3 months.
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