@vallee05: WHAT? Nether Realms balance is a joke, their games are basically unplayable at first because of how unbalanced they are, sure they patch that. But constant patches is not healthy for a fighting game, since they are so deep (if done correctly) that 16 years into a game and you can still find new stuff.
The 1 patch a year cycle works fine for fighters, not once a month like Nether Realms. Now i actually like Nether Realms as a developer, but saying that they have the best depth and balance is just straight up lie.
Pretty sure, this is the "simple" layout freaking auto combo. The real game will most likely have 2 layouts one with easy inputs and auto combos. And one more traditional.
I've got a lot of other issues with the game though, i am probably the biggest MVC3 hater on here but at least it has a good art style. This game looks like shit and given Capcoms track record it will probably play like it to.
Switch is doing well even though the software sucks. If they just announced some Wii U titles (i am looking at you Bayonetta 2, Smash and DK) and a virtual console for classic as well as GC and Wii games they would hit 1 2 knock out and dethrone Wii as their biggest platform quite easily.
They have all the momentum, they are just not utilizing it. Since in 2 3 months when all the early adapters already gotten it, they need something to keep us interested, i want to play games i couldn't get since i never had a Wii U. Which is why Mario Kart will do that, but they have a lot more titles that needs to be released. And its not like they need a lot of development time for this, any competent developer can have them done in 6 months.
So if they started at the reveal they could be here already...
@jlenoconel: Dude, its on 1 platform, its really hard to stick around if you're only on 1 platform. Granted its the biggest platform, but if say dude A who games on Xbox one recommends the game to dude B who games on PS4 he might buy it. It doesn't work like that for exclusives. Exclusives tend to do stronger in the opening week, but have a shorter tail. That said i haven't gotten to Horizon yet, so there will at least be 1 more copy once i am done with Persona 5.
@jlenoconel: Reviews don't sell games, if they did do you honestly think Ghost Recon Wildlands would be the most sold game of the year?
Besides not everyone hates this game, if you really like ME especially the first 1 you will like this game its not perfect but still better than basically everything else in the genre. (Space RPG).
Also reviews are like Destiny, is Destiny the shitstain of the internet? Nope its not, just because a game gets 7.5 metacritic (which is not bad btw if it was a movie that would be a great rating) doesn't mean it sucks, on the contrary it means that it didn't hit all the way but there is potential there.
@angrycreep: Opinions. For me; save from Witcher 3, this is the best western RPG since Skyrim yep that is including Fallout 4 and Mass Effect 3. There is 1 exception and that is of course Pillars of Eternity, but i would put that in another category classic RPG.
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