Yep in September I will turn 14 (FINALLY) 13 years has been long since I want to become 14 badly (Drivers Perment and other random things). So once I turn 14 im going to go take my drivers test thing and hopefully pass. In my state (Probably in all states) I will need to be in the car with someone over 21, has a drivers licenseand has had a certain number of years of driving experience. Also I can get perments to drive to and from school and no where else without requiring an experienced licensed driver. Which is probably what I will do.I might even get a motorcycle license like me friend has. Hehas a rather nice chopper BTW. Soon it will be time for my lazy ass to get a job. Gas isn't the cheapest thing these days and neither is insurance. Luckily my dad can cover the car payment buts that's it. Anyway just thought I would kinda share.
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