As you know my Xbox 360 has been gone for nearly a month.
by munkey102 on Comments
Then again maybe you don't know. Anyway I just called Microhard (Sorry I had to it's just perfect for this)yesterday to check the status and gave them my email and all. They emailed me the tracking number yesterday and it's FINALLY getting shipped back to me with UPS ground. So it's coming form McCallin Texas or some stupid Texas name (If you live in Texas then owned) So anyway it should be back in about 2-3 days or probably Monday since we have the weekends coming up and I dont think UPS runs then so. So i'll finally be able to get back on live with all my friends and get some gamertags from a few friends on GS here. Which is probably the only man that's going to post in this. So anyway yea I know I have said anyway way to amny times in this blog so anyway I just wanted to let you guys know that im going to get it back soon and hope to see some of you noobs online =)