DC Universe Online PVP Story #001
by musicchart33 on Comments
So me and a few friends were up late again as usual , around 5 am cst, and we decided to do a pvp match... so we Que up for FOS (Fortress of Solitude) 8v8... lets just say it was open season on heros .... we went through the entire match without dting once and ended up running into the hero base and killing them again as they would respawn ... it was hilarious because as soon as they would respawn we would end up killing them instantly , so needless to say we won but we were laughing the entire time , because we were about to leave the game and sleep when it finally Qued us in. The names of our leagues were A NecessaryEvil and GuildOfTheDrunkenMonkey. Thanks for reading . Signed , ~ TheFa11enHer0 - CR 89 Nature Healer / DPS ~ TheMentalSmurf - CR 80 Mental Troll ~ Aboslute Heat CR 76 Fire Tank