An essay is under construction, so this is the last of the "flash" blog entried for now. This time It's devoted to MGS and it's appearances.
1: MGS 4. Saw the trailer, pretty interesting. It really didn't go much into the game, but we at least know about the story. What really impressed me was Raiden... He has been my favorite character in the series since MGS2, but NOBODY else liked him. Now they're all eating their words while I smile at how my long-time favorite has surpassed what others thought of him. Fact: Jack-knifing over rails beats clambering ANY day.
2: MGS Portable Ops: That's not nearly PS2 graphics. But it is looking vey nice... if they can pull off a decent MGS game with a decipherable story, that's one game that's going into my collection.
3: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii): A true OMGWTFBBQ. Awesome in every sense of the word (the lighting is amazing!), and now it includes SNAKE as a playable character! Is that great, or what?
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