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Mass the Heck? A lament for the d20 system.

Note: The author may have missed some press releases because he's too busy re-playing Icewind Dale and KotOR.

Second Note: This entry applies to fans of Bioware RPG's. Non-fans may get lost. (Sorry, guys... hope you like the next entry better!)

Blog Entry Start!

I really like Bioware.

Let me rephrase that: Bioware is the best development company to currently manifest their near-holy presence in this unworthy universe.

Yeah, I like them. In my opinion, Square Enix has nothing on them (Even though Square currently holds second place on my list). On my top 10 favorite games list, they hold 4 of the spots. They made Dungeons and Dragons accessible and fun for everyone. They also did the impossible: they made Star Wars fit into a D&D system. Their d20 system RPG's actually were what hooked me into the game of D&D, more so than previously. Baldur's Gate was the first real step on my path to becoming a hardcore gamer. Bioware Games are the only games that I can play for more than 8 hours straight, something only two other games have accomplished for me.

Truth be told, I really, really like Bioware. My brother, a PC-exclusive gamer, is infuriated that they seem to be switching to consoles exclusively (he's taken to referring to them as "that developer"), but they seem to have switched platforms just in time, just as I started using Microsoft consoles.

I have another gripe with them. Jade Empire, a game I have yet to play, is not based on the d20 system by any stretch of the imagination. Given Bioware's track record for programming engines (KotOR framerate bugs, anyone?), having a completely action-based combat system seems like a risk. It will feel weird as well, seeing how I'm used to pausing every three seconds and handing out orders.

I dearly hope that Bioware will make KotOR 3, and won't be too busy with Mass Effect. Sure, Obsidian is fine. Given what kind a job they did on KotOR 2, I'd still be okay if they ended up doing KotOR 3. In fact, they occupy slot 4 on my favorite RPG developers list (after Namco's Monolith Soft). But there is no doubt whatsoever that KotOR 1 was superior. But, unfortunately, Bioware is busy with Mass Effect.

Mass Effect. A shooter RPG. I don't have to think very hard to realize that the d20 system won't work in this case. Has Bioware decided that all their new IP's (can anyone tell me what that stands for? Am I using it right?) will be based on systems other than d20? I hope beyond hope that this is not so. Bioware, please hear my plea. Give us some more of the RPG's that made you great! Perhaps you could give us an RPG in Forgotten Realms on the KotOR 3 Engine... please?


In recent news:

KotOR 1 falls before my lightsaber. I'm going through it pretty quickly, and having a lot of fun. Otherwise, nothing else is new. Anticipation for Metroid Prime: Hunters fills my mind, and I've taken to playing the demo a lot more. I still am the best player in the school (21 games won, 129 kills, 0 deaths. 6.14 average kills per game. All matches were 1-on-1) and I hope the online mode will bring me a challenge. Sorry, if I sound like I'm bragging, I'm just trying to be honest here.

And yes, I have little or no life. And yes, I am mentally dependent on Metroid for survival. I have beaten every Metroid Game in existence, and Metroid Prime 2 is the only one I've beaten less than 4 times. And here's a REAL brag: I've beaten Metroid Fusion without being hit (except for that one time where you have to get hit by the Omega Metroid as part of the story).

Sorry for the bragging. Have a nice day!

Next: Laughter where it is and isn't supposed to be.