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#1 my_balls_itch
Member since 2007 • 38 Posts

I would like to see the poll, And to skip to the end also you and I both know that it's almost assured no amount of info will change someones mind once it's set.biocunsumer

I don't know where to find the poll, but I'm sure it's in the net somewhere. If I remember correctly, I actually saw it on MSNBC or something like that.

As far as not changing minds, nah...I'm not like that. I don't want to be one of those cowards who clings desperately to something that has been proven false, just cause their ego won't let them admit they were wrong. I'm always willing to see new information, and allow it to be applied to my overall opinion. On anything.

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#2 my_balls_itch
Member since 2007 • 38 Posts

This Fire Burns is alot better: HeheheheHinata237

Old Killswitch Engage with Jesse = classic

New Killswitch Engage with Howard = disappointing :(

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#3 my_balls_itch
Member since 2007 • 38 Posts

Ugghh....the way I worded it, I should have known it would be taken out of context...let me clear it up. Not ALL New yorkers believe that, no. Of course not, that's impossible. I'm speaking of a poll where the majority of New Yorkers and victims families believed that it was an inside job. Either that or they believe the government didn't do what they were supposed to do - protect their country.

My stance on the subject comes from what investigating I have done on my own, as it is an interesting topic. Of course, this doesn't mean that my stance is immune to changing. If I saw concrete evidence that the government was 100% not involved, and that muslim terrorists were 100% involved, believe me, I would say "OK, screw the inside job theory."

However, from what I have seen, read, heard, etc. - from both sides - I have come to the current, but not infinitely closed, opinion that the Bush administration is involved. And that's merely my take on the subject. We all have different opinions on many things, why can't we all respect one another. We've all been exposed to many different angles on this subject too, which of course will help mold our opinions in different ways. Naturally, there will be 2 sides to anything of this magnitude, and with such confusion surrounding it.

Anyway, I appreciate how you have been civil in this debate up to this point, and not just referring to me as some nutjob or something. I can respect your feelings on this matter, and in fact, I like to hear what the other side has to say, because you never, or someone else might have that golden nugget of information that may enlighten me further in this subject that has captured my attention. That's all. I'm always looking for more information, and I appreciate your input.

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#4 my_balls_itch
Member since 2007 • 38 Posts
biocunsumer, I did read your post, but it still didn't prove anything. What does an e-mail prove?
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#5 my_balls_itch
Member since 2007 • 38 Posts

Ironically, the "conspiracy theory" is the one that accuses muslim terrorists of being responsible. Of course the government isn't going to admit that they did it!

Last time I checked, even the people who are closest to the whole ordeal - that would be New Yorkers themselves, and the families of the victims - believe it was an inside job. They would know more about it than even we would, given that ever since 9/11 happened, no one has been affected by it more, thought about it more, or investigated it more, than the people I just mentioned. So if they think they government did it, then....

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#6 my_balls_itch
Member since 2007 • 38 Posts
"Pulling" a building is EXTREMELY common terminology in demolition lingo. Are you sure it's not you guys who are twisting the meaning around? Why would someone say, "pull it", in reference to evacuating firefighters? That makes no sense.  If they are describing the actions they took, they wouldn't use lingo that would appear vague to the public. They would say something very distinct so as not to cause confusion, such as "we evacuated all of our men", or something similar.
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#7 my_balls_itch
Member since 2007 • 38 Posts

Your still not addressing the FACT that the lease holder to WTC tower 7 admitted he had the building pulled down....with explosives....which had to be there beforehand.

WTC 7 was not hit by a plane. It supposedly collapsed due to fire damage. But, those buildings were built to wothstand fire, and not even one skyscraper in history has fallen due to fire. On top of that, even if it did fall because of fire, the support beams would still be standing, as they would be made out of steel. The temperature of the fire from debris, cement, and other materials burning would not be hot enough to melt the steel....and if that wasn't enough....why don't you guys ever stop to think how all 3 buildings that fell that day all collapsed so perfectly. If you've ever seen a demolition before, you know exactly how they do it. If you haven't seen one, why don't you search for a video on youtube. (I know you kids love youtube :p)

You tell me now how each building fell to the ground with such rhythmic perfection. Witnesses even reported seeing charges going off in the windows of each floor, in perfect rhythm, as the buildings were collapsing.

That e-mail you posted proves nothing. Anyone can lie and say whatever they want in an e-mail, especially if they have special interests to protect. 

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#8 my_balls_itch
Member since 2007 • 38 Posts


Gwar is wack. If you want to show off some "mind-blowing" metal, I'd recommend "Imperium" by Machine Head.

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#9 my_balls_itch
Member since 2007 • 38 Posts

Some folks just don't want to believe such an awful truth. And you know what? I don't blame them. It makes me sick to think about it too, but you can't deny the mounds of evidence pointing right at Bush and his cronies. Some people don't want to delve into it, perhaps fearing what they wil run into, or maybe they do go into it, but are too shaken by the thoughts that enter into their minds after being presented with those pieces of evidence - after which they go into a denial phase, and attack anyone who wants to bring these possibilites to light.

Again, I don't blame them. What happened on 9/11/2001 is one of the most atrocious things to ever happen in this country. If I was of weaker mind, I might not want to believe the government was involved.

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#10 my_balls_itch
Member since 2007 • 38 Posts

This one is intellignet... Listen to the lyrics. Immortal Technique is the best Rapper ever.Master_Greedo

That's a good one. Nice timing with the subject matter too, since 9/11 talk is hot right now. :wink:

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