100 people die every minute around the world on avarage. Not sure how anyone figured that out, but I am sure it took a lot of number crunching.
So yeah, I guess a "whole lot of people" have died this month. Ed Mcman (sp), David Carradine, Fara Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and that Douche Bag Billy Mays. It's twisted to me that people who normally would give two **** about these people are all of a **** sudden R.I.P.ing everyone and saying how "tragic" it is.
It's selfish and self-serving. I know these people were probably good people (not to sure about MJ), but that doesn't change anything about my life enough for me to care past blogging this. I needed to post another one anyway :)
100 every minute. That's 1.666667 every SECOND of every **** DAY OF EVERY **** YEAR. That's Ugahdan babies and Turkish mothers and Iraqi fathers and Indonesian brothers and German sisters and Alutian cousins ... That's you and me eventually. I give a **** about those people more so than these so called celebrities.