myhai91's forum posts
yes but ffVii will be for ps3 onlynaruto7777
The game wasn't even announced so stop spreading rumors. And OP, you can play FF7 on PSP but you need CFW
[QUOTE="myhai91"]Like Danny said, it's a love it or hate it game. Personally I tried MHF2 and I couldn't play it more than 20 minutes..I don't know, it's just something that turns me away from it, and that coming from a huge RPG fan, but MHF2..meh.KingDre410
probably cause u suck, u cant cope with the difficulty, maybe u should just stick to a baby game like crisis core, ive played it, its too easy.
mhf2 is the greatest psp game, ive logged 85+ hrs to date, and i just got it on the 4th of july. it takes about 15-20 mins to kill some monsters, depending on ur weapon.
there r 2 different types of quests, the elder quests, and the guild hall quests.
the elder quests r easyier than the gulid, it takes about 15 minutes to kill any elder monster, its soo fun.
the guild hall quests r harder cause the monsters get faster and have more hp. guild hall quests r really meant for 2 or more people.
but the guid hall quests can be beaten with time, and practice, and some helpful youtube videos.
What the **** is your problem idiot? Did I hurt your feelings by not saying I liked the game? What the hell man, it's just I didn't like it, it's not that it was hard but the presentation in general didn't draw me in. So calm down and stop insulting me just because I didn't like a certain game.
"Cool! The speaker can move! That's really innovative and way more useful than a stupid second screen!"Scianix-Black
GTFO fanboy
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