No, this isn't about sex, so get your mind out of the gutter. I just finished up my second year of college, semester wise, and am enjoying a needed break. I had more school work to do this year, but they were still not too difficult since they were all online classes. To make things even tougher I had to deal with my new job, which I just got about 4 days before I started this semester. Not the best time to have to learn new things when you're also having to worry about doing school work. But things turned out good.
How good you may ask? Real good. So good that for the first time since I first started school, I got my first 4.0 GPA. It wouldn't be as good if they were just easy classes like easy math or something. I had Abnoraml Psych, Developmental Psych, Sociology, and Marketing. I wasn't interested in any of the classes so doing the work was a pain in the arse. I'm just happy I'm a good writer as all the work was writing. Makes things a lot easier to pass. Funny thing is that the only class that I ever did any real work in was Sociology and that was reading the chapters that needed to be read. Other than that I never did any studing for any of the classes. So, 4 A's without too much effort is a good trade off for me :)