Well, a so so day Tuesday was. Jim Doyle is still the governor of Wisconsin so that's about the worse news for me. The Democrats now how the House, so I guess we can start blaming the Democrats for still being in Iraq now since we haven't pulled out yet. :lol:
Some surprising things were that gay marriage was banned and the death penalty is reinstated in Wisconsin. I didn't even know we were voting for them till I got to the polling area. I'm not really opinionated on either one so it was basically a who cares vote.
So, there is the black and the grey...now for the white. Gears of War got great reviews and has made me a happy person. I was on the fence of getting GoW and reviews were going to be my deciding factor. I was probably going to get it anyways so I can play co-op with one of my friend on XBL, but I was still leary about it.
Some people say that there is only black and white...well today was neither so I guess that would make it grey. Ha, another saying disproved by video games or politics. It's amazing how much they have in common. Video games tell stories that are made up and probably will never happen, and politicians make campaign promises that are made up and will probably never happen. Amazing isn't it. :lol: